This weekend I attended the
Landmark Forum. Due to the fact that my school (
Breakthrough Magnet School) was created through this course, my principal offers this course to all new teachers. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. When I found out that it was from 9am-10pm Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I realized I really really had no idea what I was getting myself into. Little did I know, this long, long course ended up changing my life. According to Wikipedia, the Landmark Forum offers educational programs in personal development. Talk about not giving credit where credit is due. The Landmark Forum coaches you through concurring your past, understanding your present, and creating "problems" that you actually want. The Landmark Forum creates an entire new way of seeing and living life. For anyone who is "stuck" where they are right now, I HIGHLY recommend you check out Landmark.And for those who aren't? I PROMISE you, you'll become a better person in 3 short days. :)
What a great mission statement to organize a school around. Your students and faculty are most fortunate to be in an environment which emphasizes self-examination and personal growth. In my humble opinion, society would be well served if ALL public schools were devoted to such principles.