
Friday, March 8, 2013

Tablets vs. Textbooks

I feel as though this course has exposed me to so many resources that I've been on technology overload. Not only have I created a diigo, twitter, and blog, but I've also created a classroom blog and am currently creating a digital story! I love the idea of creating foundation pieces for the classroom through technology instead of traditional posters and text books. After reading The Future of Education: Tablets vs. Textbooks, I'm still torn. Although I am still somewhat hesitant regarding letting RSS run my literacy centers, I have to admit, it's a change I'd rather be making sooner than later. What's your opinion regarding turning your classroom into technology headquarters? Do you think your students will advance their learning as much as technology tells us it will?
Photo courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. As part of my "Educational Issues" class at the beginning of my master's, I chose the topic of the Digital Divide - differences in access to technology between high- and low-socioeconomic status. Based on my research, I'm more inclined to say that access to technology is vital to learning, and studies have shown that students with proper access and meaningful experience with technology have higher achievement rates than those that don't. So at this point I say, the more the better!
